VOIP Phone Line Monitor
Monitoring phone lines converted to VoIP (fiber-optic)
The ASME A17.1/CSA B44 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (Section requires verification of the operability of the phone line or “equivalent means” for 2-way emergency communication, generating an alarm if not operable.
The availability of traditional copper “landlines” is declining so new and existing landlines are being replaced with VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) connections over fibre-optic or coax or cellular networks. Analog Telephone Adaptors (ATA’s) connect the traditional analog phone systems to the VoIP modems/routers.
The conventional phone line monitoring techniques for copper landlines verify the building’s analog phone lines up to the ATA but generally do not check the operability of the ATA and of the entire fibre-optic/cellular/internet VoIP connection, so would not be able to generate the alarm intended by the Elevator Safety Code.
Before phone line monitoring was implemented, often, the first time the malfunction was discovered was when pressing the phone button to call for help in an emergency or entrapment.
Diagram of the Preferred Configuration
Key Features
Verifies the operability of the phone line “equivalent means” as required by the ASME A17.1/CSAB44 Elevator Safety Code (Section for non-EmerCom systems (*).
The availability of traditional copper“landlines” is declining so new and existing landlines are being replaced with “fibre-optic” connections
Analog Telephone Adaptors (ATA’s) connect the traditional analog phone systems to the fibre-optic (or coax or cellular) VoIP modem-routers. The EMC-60-ALRM Elevator VoIP Phone Line Monitor verifies the operability of the ATA and of the entire fibre-optic/cellular/internet connection and, if not functional, signals the building’s existing (or new) elevator communications system which routes the alarm to all the building’s Phone Line Monitoring (PLM) alarms
Straight-forward installation
Extends the PLM test for any conventional emergency elevator phone system
Test functions for simulating an alarm and for initiating a test cycle
Battery backed-up and firmware upgrades with a µSD card
Programmed to run daily tests as required, but, as soon as a mains power failure is detected, will run an extra test to verify that a device without battery backup is not present in the circuit
(*) Built into EmerCom EMC-60 and EMCS latest firmware versions
Description of Operation
The EMC-60-ALRM “pings” a remote connection through the ATA and if a valid response is not returned, pings a second independent location and, if also unsuccessful, opens the PLM contacts signaling the existing PhoneLine Monitoring device(s) which generate the required alarms.
If a valid response was not received the EMC-60-ALRM will check the link at least every 5 minutes until a successful connection is established.
If connecting to the building’s PLM device alarm circuit(s) is not viable, an optional Telephone Line Relay, triggered by the EMC-60-ALRM, is available which disconnects the phone line to the PLM device(s) causing the required alarms. This minimizes the site wiring but introduces the risk of a false alarm preventing a call.
Lobby Alarm Board
Key Features
Complies with ANSI A17.1/CSA B44 Safety Code for Elevators
The EMC-60 Emergency Elevator Phone verifies the operability of the telephone line and signals the EMC-ALRM if the line is not functional.
In the event of a phone line failure, the EMC-ALRM activates an audible and illuminated visual signal for each group of elevators.
The key-switch or pushbutton, accessible only to authorized personnel, will silence the audible signal for no less than 12 hours.
The EMC-60 monitors the failed phone line continuously and will signal the EMC-ALRM to cancel the alarm immediately. The illuminated visual signal will extinguish and the system return to normal.
Battery backed-up power is recommended to enable notification of elevator communications failure in the event of power failure.
Description of Operation
The Phone Line Monitoring (PLM) feature built into the EmerCom EMC-60 Hands-free Elevator Phone monitors the phone line as required by ASME A17.1/CSA B44 Code. If the phone line fails, a pair of contacts in the EMC-60 will open (fail-safe) to signal the EMC-ALRM Lobby Alarm Board to generate an audible & visual alert in the elevator lobby, in the vicinity of the Firefighters Recall Switch.
The visual alert LED will flash until the phone line becomes operational again but the audible alert buzzer can be silenced by authorized personnel with the key switch (or pushbutton accessible only to authorized personnel). The buzzer will remain silenced for 12 hours unless the phone line is restored earlier.
Three LEDs mounted on the EMC-ALRM PCB indicate ‘normal’, ‘alarm’ or ‘silenced’ status.
A PLM test feature is available in the EMC-60 phone to simulate an alarm for the number of seconds entered, after which it returns to normal. An extended test can be conducted by moving the jumperon the EMC-ALRM to the TEST position.
For High-Rise installations a Consolidator or Rescue Station will be required to call into any cab from an on-site location. The EMC‑60 Phones check the lines from the cabs to the Consolidator and the Consolidator checks the external phone line(s), with the combined signals going to the EMC-ALRM.
(reduced footprint)
PLM Power Supply & Group Selector EMC-PAC
box style
Key Features
The EMC-PAC supplies battery backed-up power to enable notification of elevator communications failure in the event of power failure in low-rise installations.
The EMC-60 Emergency Elevator Phone verifies the operability of the telephone line and, if the line is not functional, signals the EMC-PAC which routes the alarm to the appropriate group EMC-ALRM.
Capacity for 4 Elevators in 2 groups
Description of Operation
The Phone Line Monitoring (PLM) feature built into the EmerCom EMC-60 Hands-free Elevator Phone monitors the phone line as required by ASME A17.1/CSA B44 Code. If the phone line fails a pairof contacts in the EMC-60 will open (fail-safe) to signal the EMC-PAC.
Any phone can be allocated to either group A or B with the jumpers.
The EMC-PAC supplies power and phone line status signal(s) to either/both of the EMC-ALRM status control alarm board(s) to generate an audible & visual alert in the elevator lobby as described above..